Community Engagement

Below are the four parts of the community engagement strategy.

Identify Existing Assets

  1. Incorporate work that has already been done by other groups (e.g. area or neighborhood plans, community planning efforts such as Blueprint for Peace, ReFresh MKE, Growing Prosperity, My Brothers Keeper, etc.)
  2. Align and connect with other community engagement efforts (e.g. the region’s Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing)

Provide Context

  1. Plan to educate.
  2. Use experts and data to define scope of inquiry.
  3. Establish ground rules to positively facilitate complaints and manage expectations.

Attend Community Gatherings

  1. Make use of pre-existing convenings.
  2. Prepare for multiple formats and durations.
  3. Include the Fun Factor (gift cards, interactive games & discussion) – we really want to know what people think!

Survey & Interview

  1. Disseminate community survey tool in digital and paper format. Boost participation using social media and other networks.
  2. Offer and facilitate focused small-group discussions with affinity groups to leverage expertise of those in the sector.
  3. Seek out residents and community leaders for their direct input and feedback. Be present at neighborhood and community events when possible.